1989 |
Early spring, Little River neighbors scramble to find measures to stop Louisiana Pacific timber corporation from logging a beautiful and ecologically sensitive area along the Albion River.
1989 |
Little River neighbors using the name of a nearby organization, the Albion River Watershed Protection Association, ARWPA file their first environmental lawsuit preventing 129 acres of clear cut in three large gulches on Albion River's north side. Mendocino County Superior Court rules in favor of the timber industry, ARWPA appeals.
1991 |
October, Appeals Court of San Francisco, reverses decision of lower court in favor of ARWPA on THP 1-89-114, but the Enchanted Meadow THP's 1-89-100 & 145 are no longer stayed from logging activity and are vulnerable to clear cutting.
1992 |
Neighbors formalize under a new banner and create Friends of Enchanted Meadow. FOEM becomes an affiliate organization of the Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance, RWCA.
FOEM files second and third enviro-action to protect Albion watershed.
1992 |
FOEM activates "GREENLINES" campaign to promote no cut zones on the Albion River.
1992 |
FOEM board member, Zia Cattalini and many community members are sued by Lousiana Pacific LP in a SLAPP suit, strategic lawsuit against public participation.
1995 |
FOEM board member, Karl Schoen, leads environmental action against LP, case # 71248
1996 |
In December, FOEM board member, Zia Cattalini, negotiates Albion River wetlands for sanctuary as a first stage of her SLAPP suit settlement agreement (SA) with LP.
1997 |
FOEM transfers the acquired future wetlands sanctuary to be included in co-defendant Beth Bosk's SLAPP SA with LP.
1997 |
FOEM negotiates forest areas to become wildlife sanctuaries as part of Cattalini's SA with LP.
1997 |
Schoen et al., victorious, sets legal precedent.
1998 |
FOEM, an affiliate member of RCWA joins in multi-watershed lawsuit against LP's rapacious, county-wide logging. Spearheaded by Anna Marie Stenberg and Mary Pjerrou, RCWA vs LP case # 74823, ruled victorious in 2000. A permanent injunction from logging was granted on the Enchanted Meadow THP's 1-89-100 & 145.
1998 |
LP sells all their Mendocino County timber lands to newly formed, Mendocino Redwood Company, MRC.
2001 |
October, FOEM files Articles of Incorporation with CA Secretary of State.
A beautiful spring day at Enchanted Meadow located on the south side of Albion River between Railroad and Duck Pond gulches.
A May Day reunion picnic 2001 with many, many friends of all ages. Antonia on banjo and Alicia on guitar entertaining the crowd during mid to high tide. Folks hiked in and boated up.
2002 |
July, FOEM applies for 501 c-3 classification with the IRS, and is granted non profit status.
2002 |
FOEM resigns from RCWA after ten years as board member.
2005 |
Board of Forestry approves rezone application.
2005 |
FOEM attends Coastal Commission meeting in Santa Barbara, seeking approval for the rezone applications to create the wildlife sanctuaries, approval granted.
2005- |
through 2008, FOEM works to get reasonable public access from MRC to sanctuary areas.
2007 |
June 21, Mendocino County Board of Supervisors approves rezone amendments for Ravens' Call, the Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary and the future Albert Cattalini Conservancy. Zoning changed from Timber Production to Open Space, to reflect new land use.
2008 |
MRC files motion to dissolve permanent injunction won from RCWA vs LP/ MRC, case # 74823.
2008 |
FOEM board member, Nita T. Ishcomer, files a preemptory challenge to enjoin the lawsuit after learning RCWA
chose not to defend the permanent injunction won in the 2000 court decision. Ishcomer provided verification in court of his previous personal and professional involvement with cv74823 and vied for a continuation of the dissolution hearing but was denied justice by Judge Luther.
2008 |
December 31, Ravens' Call transferred to FOEM and the Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary transferred to the Coastal Land Trust from MRC, resulting from the court settlement of LP vs FOEM, et al., "SLAPP suit" case # 64726. Greenlink sanctuary, the future Albert Cattalini Conservancy must be purchased from MRC, and not yet appraised.
2009 |
Twenty year anniversary of Little River neighbors' work to protect the Enchanted Meadow wetlands and forests.
Local television, MCTV airs archival footage and provides current maps and updated information of sanctuary areas.
2010 |
Marie Cattalini, FOEM's fundraising coordinator, wife of Albert and longtime volunteer and docent for the Mendocino Area Parks Association, MAPA, passes away on the Mendocino coast.
2010 |
FOEM board members attends Mendocino Redwood Company's 10 year anniversary open house in Fort Bragg, and cordially meet new CEO of MRC and chief forester of the Albion River watershed.
2010 |
FOEM holds a 10-10-10 Fashion Show event in Mendocino to raise funds to purchase the future Albert Cattalini Conservancy and commemorate Al's 100th birthday. Fifth district candidates for supervisor, Wendy Roberts and Dan Hamburg modeled.

Keynote speaker, Antonia Lamb shares her insight of the numerological significance of the date of
October 10, 2010 to the audience of
Friends of Enchanted Meadow's
10-10-10 Fashion Show in Mendocino, CA.
1943 - 2013
Remembering Antonia with Love and Gratitude.
Over four decades Antonia was Mendocino County's beloved cosmic guidance counselor,
one on one or over the air waves, she touched many.

Antonia models clothing she selected, donated by Twist, Main ST, Mendocino.
2012 |
December, concept of GREENPATH, "Elizabeth's Trail" is underfoot in Ravens' Call and partially flagged.
A trail to commemorate Elizabeth will provide access for hikers to GREENLINK, the future Albert Cattalini Conservancy.
2013 |
Feb-March, pecuniary agreement drafted, finalized and signed between Kind One and FOEM. Kind One will match
$15,000 in donated funds. Please donate now your generosity will be doubled!
2013 |
Summer, flagging on Elizabeth's Trail has resumed.
Summer/Fall - a volunteer crew removed by hand an invasion of young Tan Oak in Raven's Call.
2013 |
October, FOEM participates in Hopland Passport festivities. McNab Ridge Winery's TORTE, a chocolate flavored Port was marblized into Enchanted Biscotti's traditional dough recipe, and sold.
2013 |
Quiz # 3 online to play until 11/12/13
2013 |
November - Quiz # 3 winner, Norman Beckman was very surprised when FOEM presented him
at Beckman's Printing with a four pack of select wines compliments of McNab Ridge Winery,
just before the holiday season.
2013 |
December - FOEM notifies MRC they are ready to purchase the ACC and Kind One
delivers on his promise of $15,000 to be used towards the purchase of GREENLINK.
2014 |
Jan 8th, FOEM Executive Director, Zia Cattalini meets with MRC in Ukiah to begin
the transfer process of their land to the Friends of Enchanted Meadow. Negotiations and a
Purchase and Seller Agreement process ensues four and one half additional months.
2014 |
Late March, FOEM begins initial registration with Attorney General's Registry of
Charitable Trusts and is accepted, deemed active and current May 1, 2014, the twentyfifth anniversary
of filing initial environmental litigation against the CA Dept of Forestry and Louisiana Pacific
timber corporation, case # 58116.
2014 |
April - Escrow opened to purchase the ACC, which was designated as Parcel # 2 in
Cattalini's SLAPP suit settlement with Louisiana Pacific in January of 1997.
2014 |
May 16, Cattalini on behalf of FOEM signs closing papers.
May 23 - CEO Mertz of Mendocino Redwood Company signs closing papers.
May 27 - Purchase recorded with FOEM as the new owners of Parcel # 2 - the ACC, with the county of Mendocino.
May 28 - LP's twenty two year lawsuit was dismissed against Cattalini because all the stipulations of the 1997 settlement agreement with LP were finally met.
2014 |
July 27 Remembrance Tree Drawing, the lucky # 89 ticket holder was Linda Bauccio of San Francisco, and Little River.
2014 |
October 10, the Coastal Land Trust transfers the Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary to FOEM.