Friends of Enchanted Meadow
About Us

Friends of Enchanted Meadow incorporated in the state of California on October 10, 2001. Our current board members are: Zia Cattalini, Nita T. Ishcomer, and Kathleen Mooney. As stated in our bylaws, Article 2: SECTION 1. OBJECTIVE AND PURPOSES - The primary objectives and purposes of this corporation shall be:
1. . . .To be in receivership of land from Mendocino County Superior Court settlement no. 64726 and to preserve a unique ecosystem of coastal redwood forest and riparian habitat adjacent to the Enchanted Meadow on the Albion River, Mendocino County, California, for the benefit of nature and the general public. This land is known as T16N, R17W, MDBM, Sec 14; AP#121-080-14 (portion) & AP# 121-080-15, 14 (portion) hereafter referred to as: Raven's Call (a forested ravine) and the Albert Cattalini Conservancy (a riparian corridor). Thus preservation is insured, protecting the quality of water, plant, animal and human life for generations to come.
2. . . .To steward this area known as Ravens' Call and the Albert Cattalini Conservancy, promoting healthy silviculture techniques, creating and maintaining low impact foot trails, repairing damage from past logging and protecting these borders from vandalism and exploitation. Govern, coordinate and administer programs promoting educational, scientific and cultural awareness of the forest, riparian and wetland ecosystem in addition to interfacing the public with the spiritual and esthetic values a forest affords.
3. . . .Receive, hold and disburse contribution gifts, grants, bequests, devices and any other funds for the purpose of purchasing lands for preservation and sustainable timber production contiguous to the Enchanted Meadow wetlands environment, The Albert Cattalini Conservancy and Ravens' Call.

Located on the Albion River Estuary Mendocino Coast, Northern California


Here all our rivers flow into the sea, they have mouths which suck up the ocean waters causing them to rise with a salty infusion and move inland. Like clockwork these waters subside and are released back into the Pacific. Our coastal rivers are tidal, they move in four directions: up, down, in and out. The eelgrass beds (Zostera Marina) are some of the largest in the state. As the sky is forever changing and presenting a new face, so does Enchanted Meadow.

The Albion River terrain was known to the native Pomo culture as the Tobah Teyah, (toe-buh-tey-ah) land of the crooked river. Redwood forest, mostly mature second growth, with scatterings of old growth and massive firs inhabit the ridges, the river winds through 52 acres of wetlands, known as Enchanted Meadow.



Albion Estuary


Half Moon Trestle


Your generosity will protect the aquatic habitat and nurture population growth
of the Coho Salmon, a California endangered species.
Thank you.



Mail your contribution, which is tax deductible to:
Friends of Enchanted Meadow / P.O. Box 271 - Little River, CA 95456

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